The Sunday sun is setting outside your window. The shadows and gloom seem darker in another way – you have work tomorrow and can already feel it in your stomach.
“Where did the weekend go?” you sigh, taking a long sip of wine while digging under a pile of bills for the television remote. “There has got to be a better way.”
Well, if you’re at Girl EnTREEpreneur (which you are), as soon as I’m finished I will share with you the white paper I’ve been working on, 73 Ways to Make Money Online. It includes traditional ways and all of the new cutting-edge ways you can make money online. In the coming weeks, I’ll give you the inside scoop on how you can get your free copy, but for now I can say there are a lot of strategies I’ve used and many new ones I’m just now getting darned excited about.
In Seed Two and Seed Three, we looked at finding our passion and narrowing it down into 9 keywords.
ImageAnd in the coming articles, I’ll show you how to locate a rich market niche and figure out how to serve it and build a wonderful ebusiness. I normally think of an ebusiness in terms of a website, but it’s better to think more broadly. There are many ways to make money online.
1. Cash In on Your Product or Service:
Marketing your own products or services has never been easier. Hosted storefronts like Big Commerce, goEmerchant and Miva Merchant make setting up and monetizing easier than it has ever been. And marketing through entities such as Amazon, Ebay, Clickbank, Craigslist, Backpage, Hoobly, and OLX make it easier to get the word out.
2. Selling for the Man – Affiliate Marketing:
3. Microjobs and Freelancing:
Twenty years ago, if you were the best portrait painter of panthers living in India, really, who would care? But now, with sites such as Elance, Guru or Freelancer, the world will beat a path to your panther painting door.
These sites allow potential employers to post jobs that can be anything from copywriting, to electrical engineering to ecommerce web design. And if you have a specialized skill and just love to use it, you can look for any of the thousands of jobs posted and bid to do the work. It could be a big business for you just waiting to happen.
4. Blog It Up:
Setting up a blog has never been easier. For example, at Blogger you can set up a blog for free without knowing squat about web design or ecommerce. And, blogger makes it a breeze to add Google AdSense so you get paid anytime your readers click on an ad. You can also bring in the cash by CPM (Cost Per Thousand), CPA / Affiliate Adds (Cost Per Action), Test Links, In-Text Advertising, RSS Feed Ads and more. Blogs also open the door to selling your own products or services.
5. Ebay:
Yep, Ebay. I know it’s been around forever, but for a good reason. Ebay is a great location to sell niche products. Sites such as ProStores provide an online ecommerce platform that lets you design a storefront that fully integrates with eBay.
6. Micro-Money:
You can offer your product or service for five bucks at or for ten at Thousands of people offer services from things like, “I’ll draw you as a Simpson’s cartoon” to “I’ll record a movie voice for you.” Find a good niche and exploit it.
7. The Answer Guy (or Girl):
Know a lot about blogging or car repairs? At kgbanswers or JustAnswers you can become an expert after taking a brief test. When a customer asks a question you can get cash by answering it.
8. Crafty Business:
Do you sew, make handkerchiefs, design voodoo dolls from match sticks? If you do, you can sell any homemade crafts at Etsy, a virtual craft and hobby marketplace.
9. Professor for Hire:
Sites like Demand Studios hire experienced freelance writers, editors and filmmakers. Do you like to tweet? Paidpertweet, AdDynamo, and GetpaidtoTweet will pay you for your audience.
10. Get my free download soon!